Paintings, Digital Photos & Drawings > de-lux Series

Begun in 2010, de-lux is an ongoing series exploring issues of wealth and loss, power and subordination, and the process of seeing itself.

Key to my work is the heightened discord between the experience of my paintings in person and their representation in reproduction. The surfaces of the paintings are topographical, built up from found objects or cast acrylic paint beneath layers of oil paint. In constructing the images, I employ a tactic of reverse trompe-l’oeil. Once photographed, the paintings visually flatten out. This effect ultimately confounds a true spatial reading of the work, causing the viewer to question the assumptions of the 3D versus the 2D image.

Keith Sklar artist  "fab urge" painting from "de-lux" series  in oil and acrylic paint
Oil and acrylic, thread, on canvas
88"h x 67"w x 4"d
Keith Sklar artist  "fab urge" painting from "de-lux" series  in oil and acrylic paint detail
Oil and acrylic, thread, on canvas
88"h x 67"w x 4"d
Keith Sklar artist  "dock" painting from "de-lux" series  in oil and acrylic paint, mixed-media
Oil and acrylic,toys, thread on canvas
67"h x 88"w x 5"d
Keith Sklar artist  "dock" painting from "de-lux" series  in oil and acrylic paint detail
Oil and acrylic,toys, thread on canvas
67"h x 88"w x 5"d
Keith Sklar artist  "sunset" painting from "de-lux" series  in oil and acrylic paint
Oil and acrylic,toys, thread on canvas
67"h x 78"w x 5"d
Keith Sklar artist  "table" painting from "de-lux" series  in oil and acrylic paint, mixed-media
Oil and acrylic, toys, thread on canvas
67"h x 89"w x 4"d
Keith Sklar artist  "table" painting detail from "de-lux" series  in oil and acrylic paint, mixed-media
Oil and acrylic, toys, thread on canvas
67"h x 89"w x 4"d
Keith Sklar artist  "Sleeps with the fishes" painting from "de-lux" series  in oil and acrylic paint, toys, on canvas
Oil and acrylic, toys, thread on canvas
48"h x 48w x 4"d
Keith Sklar artist  "Tank" painting from "de-lux" series  in oil and acrylic paint with toys
Oil and acrylic, toys, thread on canvas
50"h x 39"w x 5"d
Keith Sklar artist  "Gurney" painting from "de-lux" series  in oil and acrylic paint on canvas
Oil and acrylic, thread on canvas
47"h x 69"w x 7"d